Lucky Man Cree Nation

Barbara Benson, Danny Okemow, Roger Rockthunder, Cody Okemow

BTC ICFS believes that the Family Council Committee(s) play an important role to the community development of prevention services at the community level. Our agency also believes that solutions and ideas must be community driven, in order to achieve success and reaching goals. Committee members reside in their respected First Nation community and are aware first-hand of community issues, concerns and problems that are encountered on a daily basis.

Upon review & consultation with all Family Council Committee(s), this model was implemented in the new year of January 2009.

Family Council Committee
"It takes a community to raise a child."

BTC-ICFS Family Council Committee(s) values the meaning of F.A.M.I.L.Y
Positive Outcomes:

  • Focus: This process will allow the Family Council Committee to address specific issues relating to the children, family and community.
  • Awareness: The process will allow the Family Council Committee to promote awareness on community topics such as Understanding Grief, Suicide Intervention, Healing, Positive Parenting, Self Esteem, etc.
  • Meetings: This process will allow the Family Council Committee to coordinate inter-agency meetings with community and outside agencies on a quaterly basis.
  • Interactive: This process will allow the Family Council Committee to interact & engage with children, families and community resources.
  • Life-long Learning: This process will allow the Family Council Committee to identify training and workshop for council and community needs.
  • Youth: The process will allow the Family Council Committee to work in parternship with youth. In addition, promote and foster a positve youth/ Elder relationships.

The Family Council Committee(s) will meeting on a monthly basis, majority of the meetings will be held 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.. The Family Council Committee also support hosting 1 evening meeting (4:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.) and 1-day weekend event annually.

BTC ICFS Family Council Monthly Meeting Schedule:
Poundmaker Cree Nation 1st Monday of each month
Little Pine First Nation 1st Thursday of each month
Lucky Man Cree Nation 3rd Tuesday of each month