Services Provided

Child Protection Services

Child Protection Form

Keyanow Child and Family Centre provides child protection services to children and families living on reserve. They are given the authority to do this by The Child and Family Services Act.

We all share in the responsibility for making sure that every child is safe and cared for.

When parents cannot care for, supervise or protect their children, someone else may have to step in to make sure the child's needs are being met.

Parenting can be a tough job and some parents have trouble handling all of the responsibility and pressure that comes with being a parent. Sometimes this leads to Abuse or neglect.

Anyone who has a reason to believe that a child is being abused has a legal responsibility under the Child and Family Services Act to report your concerns.

How do you know if a child is being abused or neglected?
According to The Child and Family Services Act, a child means an unmarried person under the age of sixteen (16) years - unless it is otherwise stated.

Child abuse is defined under Section 8 as:
  • Physical injury.
  • Substantial impairment of a child's mental or emotional functioning.
  • Exploiting a child or treating a child cruelly.
  • Contacting a child for a sexual purpose.
  • Allowing or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution.
Section 11 of the Act addresses child neglect, which includes:
  • not providing enough food, clothing, shelter or healthcare for the child; and
  • Leaving a child alone or without proper supervision or care.
    The law also protects children who may suffer physical or emotional harm because of family violence.

You are not expected to determine if a child is being abused or neglected, a trained professional Family Service Worker will make that determination, and will investigate all reports of abuse or neglect. You may report your concern by contacting the agency and asking for the Emergency Duty Worker On Call or the Family and Children's Services Supervisor. Reports can also be made anonymously.

If you are not sure whether or not you should report a particular concern you may also wish to discuss it with a Family Service Worker.

 An emergency duty worker is on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

(306) 441-6009
Toll Free - 1-877-445-4149

Parenting and personal issues are at times very challenging which at times can lead to abuse or neglect. If you feel your family is at risk there is help!!

If you would like information or someone to talk to contact the agency and ask for the Emergency Duty Worker On Call. You will be guided through an intake process which will determine which services will support you the best.


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